Tuesday 24 April 2012

Powerhouse Phood

On the work-front, thought I'd show some photos I did at Powerhouse back in winter, with Andy Goodfellow. Powerhouse have branched out and now have a fully-fledged food specialist photography business Phood. I am lucky enough to be working with them in developing this business as a food consultant and stylist. Many thanks for the opportunity guys!.
Andy loves moody shots, texture and not-perfect, rustic food. I have to pay tribute to my influence - the fabulous food blog What Katie Ate. The more I grow as a stylist the more confident I am to take a reference and go somewhere else with it. Perhaps one day people will be referencing me!

It hails, Jeff wails, but Spring is on my plate

The thing I like about shopping at my organic grocer (find it here) is that I can actually tell what season it is - which is more than I can say about the weather. I was delighted to find spring garlic (looking like dwarf leeks), spring onions and sorrel, lovage and a mad arrangement of salad leaves on my Saturday shop. While I was in layers of leggings and leather, dashing from the car park to the trolley bay, shaking the hail from my hair, inside was SPRING, in the bright and delicate freshness of her green bounty. I made a lovely light lunch from some leaves, an avocado and chickpea salad, coriander and creme fraiche on corn tortillas.

Sunday 8 April 2012

An accidental Lent

April, and a budget month in our house.

That one glorious week of sun turned foul just in time for the Easter break, spoiling everyone's fun.